Monday, August 13, 2012

Jobs in the Outdoors Intrigue Young People

As a child of the 90s and an environmental educator, I yearn to work outdoors. It seems that even though I grew up with technology I had just enough experience being outside, playing until the street lights came on, that nature became more important to me than being inside. I love this ad from Stihl, because when I was little, that WAS our entertainment.

Our program wants to get families outside to experience the beauty that Texas has to offer at state parks near the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. We want to remind this new generation of technology savvy youth that the outdoors were the place to be when you wanted to play a game!

In this article, by New American Media on August 1, 2012, a recent college graduate, Cyrina King talks about her experience working as a summer counselor at Slide Ranch, a Marin-based organization that teaches farm skills and environmental science to children.

Read more at:

There are so many possibilities for working and volunteering in the outdoors today. I'm in no way affiliated with any of the following links, but I have been browsing around them in hopes that I can get a job doing what I love after I graduate from school.
Camping can provide an escape from the busy
lifestyle we lead in cities
 Here are some links to sites that contain more information about jobs and volunteer opportunities:

Texas Parks and Wildlife:
Environmental Career Opportunities:

What type of job would YOU like to have? Where is your dream job location?

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